Using the Cleared Catalog Data Feed

Data feeds are JSON files that let partners know what is available in their content catalog

Incremental data feeds (INCREMENTAL)

Incremental data feeds contain updates that include new information and changes made since the last feed. Audible Magic delivers these feeds to an agreed upon drop point according to your ingestion schedule. Feeds are published five days per week, Monday through Friday.
Occasionally, a daily feed may be skipped to accommodate certain operational events, such as a maintenance window.

Each feed resides on your drop point for 45 days.

Full data feeds (FULL)

Full data feeds contain the entire active catalog of content that Audible Magic offers.

IMPORTANT: When processing more than one feed at a time, it's critical that you process them in the order that they are created, and only after you've established a baseline by processing a full feed.

You can confirm the proper order of feeds by reviewing the "sequenceNumber" and "prevSequenceNumber" values in the header of each feed file.

For questions regarding your Cleared Catalog Feed, please contact your Customer Success Representative or