Using a content delivery agent partner

Content Registration via a Delivery Agent

Record labels and distributors with content catalogs ranging from a few hundred to a few thousand titles typically register content with Audible Magic via an authorized delivery agent.  These authorized partners have adopted Audible Magic software tools into their workflows and provide content registration as well as other services.  

Working with a delivery agent saves the content owner from needing in-house resources with the technical skills required to implement Audible Magic fingerprinting software or delivering media files and metadata.

Getting Started with a Delivery Agent

1. Confirm that you have signed a Content Registration Agreement

2. Examine these delivery agent partners:

3. When you have found an appropriate partner, contact them and tell them you would like to use their services to register content with Audible Magic.

4. If you are already using a specific delivery agent that is not yet an Audible Magic partner, ask them to contact support at