Content Registration Glossary of Terms

Below is a list of common terms for Content Registration:


Audible Magic Metadata File (AMXML) - An XML file that holds information about a rightsholder's work and is stored on Audible Magic's internal systems. This is used in conjunction with registering content to Audible Magic with use of AMSigGen. 

Audible Magic Receipt File (AMReceipt) - An XML file that details the result of a registration attempt by a rightsholder utilizing AMSigGen and their Audible Magic (S)FTP location. These details can vary from "Error", "Warning", or "OK".   

Audible Magic Signature Generator (AMSigGen) - Audible Magic's command line utility that generates fingerprint files and associated manifest files from media files that are stored on a content rightsholder's local computer.

Business Rules - Rules that can be assigned to a content rightsholder's work based on the platform which details the amount of access granted to the public.

Content Registration Agreement (CRA) - Legal binding agreement between Audible Magic and a content rightsholder, which allows the content rightsholder access to AMSigGen and its documentation. 

Content Registration Bundle - A RAR file that contains all necessary information and utilities to create and register fingerprints and the associated files to Audible Magic.

DDEX - Industry standard for submitting XML formatted metadata. Additional Info:

File Transfer Protocol (FTP) - A standard network protocol used to transfer computer files from a server to a client. This protocol and SFTP are the main protocols that are used when transferring files to Audible Magic's registration servers in conjunction with AMSigGen.   

Fingerprint File (.mfcc) - A unique file that is generated from a rightsholder's work based on the audio stream. This file is produced through Audible Magic's AMSigGen.

International Standard Recording Code (ISRC) - An international standard code for uniquely identifying sound recordings and music video recordings. You can find more information here:

Metadata - Information or data about a rightsholder's work. This is used in conjunction with AMSigGen when registering content. This is also the information that is returned on an ID Response if there is a match. 

Public Key (.pub) & Private Key (.ppk) - Used in conjunction with asymmetric cryptography, these keys allow for secure access to Audible Magic's (S)FTP location when registering content with fingerprint files and additional associated files.

Extensible Markup Language (XML) - Human readable markup language that is used to hold information or data. Used in information transfer between computer systems.

XML Schema - An XSD file that is used as a template for creating XML files. Used in conjunction with AMSigGen when creating metadata files.