Identification Business Rules Overview

Learn more about how you can begin managing how your catalog is used after its been registered with Audible Magic.

After you have registered your catalog with Audible Magic, you can begin managing how it is used on our Identification & Copyright Compliance service customers’ platforms. In contrast, your catalog rights and usage can be managed on our UGC license customers’ sites at the point of delivery.

Business Rules Overview

Business rules, also known as business policies, are how Audible Magic lets platforms know if media should be allowed or blocked based on the rule set by a rightsholder who has registered their content with us.

When registering content with Audible Magic, you can set a business rule for any given asset, which will be reflected in the ID response delivered to platforms when an identification takes place. Typical business rules are "Block" and "Allow.” The default business rule for our Identification & Copyright Compliance services is "Block.”

As an example, say the content owner of Song X sets their business rule to “Allow” on Platform A and “Block” on Platform B. When a video containing Song X is uploaded to Platform A and identified by Audible Magic, the platform will receive the “Allow” rule and the original video will remain accessible on Platform A. On the contrary, when a video containing Song X is uploaded to Platform B and identified by Audible Magic, the platform will receive the “Block” rule and will either block the video entirely or mute the audio.


Updating Business Rules

Business rules can be set via Rights360, our rights management system, or by submitting a business policy update request form. To submit a business policy update request form, please click here. If you are interested in getting access to the Rights360 portal, contact


UGC Licensing Business Rules

When Audible Magic is supporting UGC licenses between our identification customers and content partners, business rules are updated automatically via DDEX feed deliveries. Our standard practice is to apply a “Block” rule prior to the song’s release date and a “Monetize” rule post-release date. Custom rules can also be applied via the RightsClaimPolicy element in DDEX submissions. This allows you the flexibility of indicating which songs should be Blocked (aka a RightsClaimPolicy value of BlockAccess) or Monetized (aka a RightsClaimPolicy value of Monetize).


Duration-Based Business Rules

Duration-based business rules enable our video rightsholders to set a minimum threshold of time before a content identification is made. Duration-based business rules can be applied to any asset registered in Audible Magic's tv/film registry and on any platform that has implemented this feature. Common reasons for using these types of business rules include:

  • Promoting content on social media platforms.
    • For example, if you are a movie studio and would like snippets of your new movie to be set to "Allow" on Dailymotion, but set to "Block" if it’s longer than the specified duration.
  • Rightsholders often have complaints from people using small portions of their content. These complaints can be time-consuming and costly. By setting a duration-based business rule, the rightsholder can reduce the number of complaints.

Duration-based business rules must be a minimum of 30 seconds and cannot be more than 10 minutes in length. As such, we suggest caution when determining whether you would like a duration-based business rule set on shorter videos.

    To have duration-based business rules applied to your videos, please contact and include the following information:

    • Desired duration-based rule limit (i.e. 30 seconds, 5 minutes, 10 minutes)
    • VendorVideoID(s) of the assets on which you would like the rule set
    • The platform(s) on which you would like the rule applied

    Rights360 Portal

    The goal of Audible Magic’s Rights360 Portal is to serve as the essential link between our content partners and social platforms for all their licensing and compliance service needs. At this time, the Rights360 Portal is only available to our music content partners.

    After getting access to Rights360, you will have access to the following features designed to enable the viewing of assets, metadata, and territory information. Users can set platform-specific business rules for any ingested asset at any time, 24/7.


    Catalog Screen

    This will be the first page when you log into your account. From here, you can:

    • View and search ingested catalog
    • Create groups of assets and apply multiple asset-level rules for social platforms
    • Filter assets in your catalog by those with a rule of “Allow” applied

    Catalog Details

    When you select an asset from your catalog screen, you will be able to view its metadata and territory information. You can also view and apply platform specific rules for said asset.


    Default Policy

    This offers the ability to create a business policy – “Block” or “Allow” – that will apply to all catalog in Audible Magic’s Identification & Copyright Compliance database, as well as any other releases submitted in the future. It should be noted that any asset-level rules will override rules set at the default policy level.